Conversation Between Secret Weapon and Phantom

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks. I'm also currently working on a FFIX and FFX Walkthrough as well, hopefully I'll be done them both before Thanksgiving I hope. I have'nt brought any new FF games lately, but I brought GTA Vice City Stories and Metal Gear Solid 2: sons of Liberty a couple weeks ago.
  2. Yeah, it's pretty nice dad. You even included the temporary status effects in there too. You pretty much covered it all for the most part of what I read. I'll try to log back on there when I come back online. Excellent job though pops... (thumbs up)

    Have you got your hands on any new games lately??? I've been playing the hell out of my FF I& II: DOS & this FF Tactics A2: GOTR. I'm just now starting to kick GOTR ass NOW cause at the start, that game was pawning me. I have the difficulty on Hard but it was ridiculous how I was getting wiped across the floor. Them hitting me at impossible percentages and so many other things that went wrong.
  3. Hey Son So, how do you like my FFVII walkthrough?
  4. things are going ok. I'm finally done my FFVII walkthrough. Check it out:

    Final Fantasy VII FAQ/Walkthrough v4.5 - hosted by Neoseeker
  5. Hello father??? What all have you been up to? Sorry I left unannounced like that. Had things going on over here... my GG mother had to have surgery and got our internet cut off.
  6. I'll probably watch it later on tonight, internet is REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLL SLOW. But I like how them graphics look. IS that version of FF1 on advance? I WANT IT -_-....
  7. I started making FF boss walkthroughs on youtube, starting with FFI DOS. I'm also going through 3 FF's at once, 8,9, and 10 >.>

    YouTube - Final Fantasy I DOS Boss Walkthrough #1 Garland

    That's the link to my first one, I'm Made4542 on there so be sure to rate and comment on my walkthroughs ok?

    Anyway, I'm fine
  8. Hey DAD!!! SRY that I've been so inactive. I'll try to do my best to get on at least once a day from now on. I'll also get on your website too b4 I get off the computer.

    How is everything? Played sum FF's lately? I just got FF IV on DS but still haven't beat yet ;_;...
  9. Hmm sounds pretty cool I'll have ask Bean more about it.
  10. You know dad! TFF RPG! The thread should still be up cause I pitched some ideas on it yesterday. Most of them were on top of my head and coming up with people that weren't already made (man I wish I had FFT).
  11. Bean hasn't told me about this project or at least if he did on MSN I dont remember. What is it about?
  12. Hey dad! Hows it been going? You getting in on Zeromune's project? I'm thinking of weapon, armor, and job classifications for him all this week so right now, I'm just brainstorming ^_^;;
  13. Don't worry! Your ?'s will have answears!
  14. Where's the popcorn? I'll need it watching your questions like a movie !!!
  15. Thanks for the vis. message Trivia pal ^_^! Hope you get back to triv.'s I + IV!
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