Conversation Between Polk and OceanEyes28

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Put that on your resume.
  2. "He thinks I'm hot!"
  3. Wow. That's what you think of me? I don't know what to think.

    And happy VD right back to you. Yes, I absolutely know what I just said.
  4. I dunno wtf this is but it made me think of you.

    Happy Valentine's Day!
  5. Because I secretly have a crush on you?
  6. Why do you bring my hopes up just to tear me down
  7. Can you blame me? Daylilies are beautiful.
  8. Oh, the girl stuff was all for you. Swallow your pride, Polk. I know you like daylilies.
  9. I was thinking more along the lines of "let's just go to a courthouse," but fine, if you have to be a girl about it.
  10. Well first we need to pick out wedding colors and a cake.
  11. Happy Birthday. Or else.
  12. YES.

    Number 34 on my bucket list: CHECK.
  13. Do it extra hard? I don't know, you've actually stumped me on this one.
  14. Hawaii. Go for the hula dancing. Stay for the spam.
  15. Hawaii. I hear they love spam there.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 26
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