Conversation Between WTFspin and Raider

7 Visitor Messages

  1. yeah

    i need to go now, teh pain is worse so see yo 2moro
  2. Yea.
    They fricken better.
    And I love The Rev's voice.
  3. they said tehy might go back to it for a reccord so yay
  4. Yea they were really amazing.
    I wish they still screamed though.
  5. i envy you, there coming back to teh usa so i'll have to wait till they come back to teh UK
  6. =]
    I went and saw them a few months ago in Atlanta.
    They are amazing.
  7. OMG i officilay love you

    A7X FTW
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7