Conversation Between Unknown Entity and JillXWesker

80 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, your right! Hope isn't that bad now ! That boss at the end of Chapter 5 gave me hell!
    I have the 360 version. What race are you? I'm a Khajiit !
  2. Hope isn't so bad when you get past Chapter 5ish. Or whenever it is when he mans up a bit. xD

    Skyrim is awesome, but glitches are evil. Which version you got? I have it on PS3 and 360.
  3. I got Skyrim four weeks ago (Or more like were borrowing it from a friend) and the PS3 version isn't the only one with graphical glitches and such. But its still a really good game though. Also, guess what I got? FF13! Omg, I love Lightning! Hope is a whiny little bitch >.>.
  4. The PS3 version has a lot of bugs, and now looks like the 360 version graphically. As much as I hate to say it, PC is looking like the better option, especially with faster updates and construction tools being released now (or already released? Unsure...).
  5. Skyrim looks bloody brilliant! I wish I could get it but I'd rather have it for PS3 or PC than on the 360 >.>
  6. Omg... your signature... <3
  7. Your freaking epic !
  8. It's a spider. 8)

  9. Your avatar is really cute !
  10. Oh my god, I'm glad your okay! I would hate having to hear that every night... Stay safe!!
  11. Aww, I'm okay. Riots are happening all over where I live, but my immediate area has been pretty quiet, and no looting has taken place. Just can hear sirens and helicopters everywhere at night.
  12. I hear there's riots in England. I hope your okay!
  13. I'm going good! Just got CS5, trying to get the hang of it, but that's what my PS class in High School is for ^^'. Also, getting back into FF12 XD.
  14. Jill! I'm good. Kinda sleepy at the moment, but good. How're you doing?
  15. Hey Gemma ! How're you doing today?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 80
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