Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Lithium

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. I know!
  2. =333

    Aww... Thats sweet. =)
  3. -Giggles- Yes
    He is so sweet I freaking love him to death.
  4. Kewl. ^^
    Looking forward to it? =)
  5. Just some bands that are from Utah that made it big.
    Um, I don't remember the names though. Lolz
  6. Ah cool! Which concert? Haha, not that I'd know living far away, but anything interesting? XD
  7. We ish good thanks for asking!
    I'm actually going to a concert with my boyfriend on Saturday.
    But I might be seeing him tomorrow as well.
  8. Meh... screw the emo bashers. How are you and your mates? =)
  9. Haha, I would just hide in a corner with a q-tip saying "Back, BACK! You evil voices" Haha

    It would seem that way.
  10. People react to being scared of people in funny ways - if I was scared, I'd have ran a mile. XD

    I guess some people only like to see the negative things in people, even if the negative things aren't there. Stupid. =/
  11. I don't know. Most of them, I guess, are just scared of difference in people.

    Most people only agree we're self-centered cry babies who cut ourselves to release anger. Not all of us do that!
  12. If they like you, then how can they not like that? It's just part of who you are, and part of your past. It's not like you do it anymore.

    I think some people have the wrong ideas of what an Emo is. -__-;;
  13. Most of them know I am a nice person, they just don't like the fact I used to cut and I am classified as Emo.
  14. Aww... ok. I'll be good. ^^
    I bet if the emo bashers put down whatever they have against you guys, they'll find out you are all very nice people. =)
  15. No be nice.
    I'm actually of the most highly respected members there.
    Even though I'm just a normal member.
    Well, except by the emo-bashers
    But what can you do? Lolz
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