Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Raider

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  1. Where's you and loner-kid at these days, homeboy? =(
  2. this wasnt liek a mod chip, it was just a ard slider to alow me to manually eject the disk tray and swap disks durnign boot up

    did you punch him :L i would have!
  3. LOL.
    Mods are bad. You should know this. ;P

    My brother's friend hacked my PSP without my knowledge when my brother broke his PSP, and stole mine so he could play with his mates during lunch. I was pissed. I'm even more pissed now that this hack/mod/whatever will only allow me to update if I do it manually instead of going via the router. =/
  4. i was tyring to mod it so i coudl play custom GH games >.<
  5. Waaaaat? Why open it up? XD
  6. they already bought a new lead, that was the one my bro broke -.-
    i dont think it helped i opened my other PS2 up and broke it >.<
  7. @_@

    But you're responsible enough to buy a new lead, and to know not to break it again. I'd say that was a pretty fair argument.
  8. because my brother broke a lead, so they say we aren't responsible enough to keep it in our rooms ¬.¬
  9. Oh noes. D=

    Why did they take it away? =(
  10. heheh it is mee i need to get back into my FF, though my parents have taken my PS2 off me
  11. ZOMGZ, it's YOU! =O

    Booooo to pesky passwords, and yaaay to new sig and avis! ^^
  12. okai, i am offically back, i forgot my password >.< and its on my google chrom hoempage i think its time for a sig and avvy change
  13. ZOMGZ, it's YOU! =O

    Good to have you back. I missed see you around the forums. I know I have you on MSN, but that's just not the same and I'm not as into IMing as I used to be (I'm slow and usually unresponsive lol).
  14. i am getting more active again i miss the old tff 'crew' x)
  15. quite wet but great cus i saw a friend whoom we grew up together but when i moived out of wales at 5 sort of lost contact till facebook
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 999
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