Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Bleachfangirl

189 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ah, thank you, Brutus.
    The forums do look different. ._. That's why I'm confused. I couldn't find the arcade and was sad.
  2. Stab?! You?! I'd never!!!

    No, but doesn't it look a tad different around here? =P
  3. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a stab at TFF or at me or what even e_e
  4. Omg, you're on tff! No wonder you're confused!
  6. I know you have a journal, but it's not enough to feed my stalker-needs. I'll probably see you on MSN this weekend. Be prepared for pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. Pinky fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS. PINK. FLUFFY. UNICORNS. DANCING. ON. RAINBOWS.....yes. GOODNIGHT.
  7. AKA, you want to stalk meeeh and Vickeh. <3

    But yes, we'll need to talk soon. I'd have talked more on Sunday, but we were playing online with Andro and DH. Speaking of which... OMFG, ur on TFF?! O_O

    But yeah, we'll talk soon. I have a journal too. <3
  8. You need to update me on your life.
  9. I wuv you too, Gemmy. <3
  10. Bridge. I wuv you too.
  11. I think Pocky is nicer, but if you wanna a plate of babies, I'll give you a plate of babies. 8)
  12. BABIES OF COURSE. > Omonmnom
  13. Noobs? Pocky?

    ... Babies? =O
  14. FEED THEM TO ME. (you know what I want)
  15. Gnomnomnomnomnominterwebsnomnomnomnomnom...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 189
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