Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Bleachfangirl

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  1. XD

    It could be doing anything lol... I could be wrong about it being evil - could be out helping the homeless, but all I know is is that it just picked up and left one day without leaving a trail... 0_0
  2. >.> Is it going around killing people? Well, now I know...but you better tell that little wax doll of yours to watch out if it sees a crazy kid with a black boot thing with a mini-torch. XD
  3. Hehe, if I can find it... one minute its there on my table, next it was gone... So if you ever see an odd looking, pale, shiney thing with only one arm, run for your life! XD
  4. You chuck wax balls at people? That is INSA-ANE! XD

    A wax doll? Ooh! If you find it, put a picture up! I wants to sees eet!
  5. LOL, yeah! I've even made little wax balls that make this really funny, wooden noise when you chuck them at people lol! XD

    I also started to make a wax doll, but it... disappeared... O_O;;
  6. You too? XD I've got a friend that likes to stick her finger in the hot wax to makes molds of her finger. I do it sometimes too, but it's still a little strange. You ever done that?
  7. Lol!

    I like playing with hot wax... Everytime I light a tea candle, I gotta play with the wax!
  8. I know. I'm not even old enough to smoke, but there are still people who ask me, "You smoke?" when they see me pull a lighter out of my pocket. >< It's worth it though, to be able to light things and watch them go. Most people know when to stop or how far to go though. I just keep a hose of water handy when I play.
  9. Hehe, I like fire too, - the amount of people that think I smoke because I have a few lighters in my room (-_-) - but I guess it become your enemy when it burns down houses, and becomes out of control...
  10. Oh don't worry. You don't really need a helmet. Those are just sold because it doesn't feel that good when you hit your head. No worries about anything else.

    What's wrong with fire? I like fire. It's not a dangerous enemy at all! So what, I burned my pants and a finger? Nothing's wrong with that.
  11. Oh but I did... Lets put it this way - next time, I'm gonna need a crash helmet, cos it HURT!

    Meh, like fire, sugar can be a good friend, but a dangerous enemy...
  12. You mean with the bodies?

    Oh yes. Sugar is one of the greatest weapons against boredom. Beware evil force! I have processed sugar on my side! And have fun with that. Just don't run head first into the door.
  13. Yeah, but you can always hide it under the bed...

    I found ice-cream in the freezer today, so I smitted my boredom with hyperness! Now, I gotta run head first into the bathroom door, and give a random person a hug...
  14. Haha. Boredom isn't too bad if you can find something fun to smite it with. =D

    It's getting kind of better. I won't let anyone sign it because if I let them, there would be a reason for me to keep it. My mom and my brother agree on the fact that I have enough crap already, so it's a no go.
  15. Bored lol.

    Is your ankle getting any better? Got anyone to sign your cast yet?
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