Conversation Between Craven and Unknown Entity

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. You could ignore it. I don't care what you do.
  2. I didn't come crying to you at all.

    YOU sent the first VM. What do you want me to do, ignore it?
  3. Entity. I didn't even POST on the account. I dunno what you are crying to me for.
  4. Don't need to report it to staff, they already know. Something about IP addresses.

    Yeah, Doc and Lily show it more than others.

    Wtf happened months ago?

    Sounds pretty damn stupid if you ask me.

    A mistake? Someone made the banners, and planned to multi-account. How is something that was planned a mistake?

    I care because this is the one site I enjoy going on. But there is always something that happens that completely ruins mine, and the enjoyment of other people on here. People making multi-accounts to piss people off... what are you? 10?
  5. "It pretty damn obvious who it is."

    If it was so obvious, why didn't you report it to the staff?

    "From what I saw written in Fate's VM box, one of them appears to be a grammer nazi, bitching about the poem in his sig."

    And? There are many grammar nazi's on the site. Just some show it more than others.

    "Tiger and Doc jst happen to be the biggest grammer nazi's on this site."

    Once again, you have failed to get over what happened months ago.

    "If you don't know who they are, then why did you all have the same sig and avi?"

    Well, there is a story behind that. Which involves my stupidity and assumptions. Which were apparently wrong.

    "Don't tell me, they stole it from your sig, or you stole it from one of theirs."

    Quite obviously, considering we had the same avatars and signatures.

    "I mean, why would do it anyway?"

    It was a mistake. That was all. Can I ask why you care so much about it by the way?
  6. It pretty damn obvious who it is. From what I saw written in Fate's VM box, one of them appears to be a grammer nazi, bitching about the poem in his sig. Tiger and Doc jst happen to be the biggest grammer nazi's on this site.

    If you don't know who they are, then why did you all have the same sig and avi? Don't tell me, they stole it from your sig, or you stole it from one of theirs.

    I mean, why would do it anyway?
  7. I'll have you know that yes. I was Team Awesome J. I have no idea who the other two are.

    Stop spreading crap about the other two people. Nobody knows who they are. I don't even know who they are. =S.
  8. Yeah, good things don't seem to last long... It sucks...

    Don't you get bored in the holiday lol?
  9. I'm pretty good. On school holidays ^^. They finish soon though. Bummer. I wish I could sleep in more haha.
  10. Heya Craven! I'm good!

    How are you?
  11. Hey Entity. How are you today? ^^
  12. Yay! Wedding! ^_^

    Yay for Violet and Silver! <3
  13. Congratulations! You have been invited to the wedding of Violet and Silver! Please enclose your full name and full address and send to 238 Honeymoon Rd.

    Please contact Fish Kelish at 555-7859 for RSVP's.

    Please have your RSVP's done by the 1st of October.

  14. I'm good, thanks for asking!

    How are you?
  15. Hey Entity. ^^. How are you?
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