Conversation Between RIOT999 and lila

6 Visitor Messages

  1. lolol they never let me sign innn!!!! whats up with you?? ^^ damnnn it has been pretty longg
  2. Hello remember me? I have a post on my page from you and it`s from 2008 lol I have`nt been here for sooooo long but how are you doing? and what do you think of ffIIIIV
    I`m trying to see the new version but the page doesn`t load lol
    Well I hope you have a nice day
  3. hihi how u doin? i havent talked 2 u in so ling! ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^im in im supposed 2 b writtin an essay rite wats up?
  4. yea...srry itz kinda a habit...but i'll call you lila if you'd like... ^^
  5. I`m sorry for the late responce but Thanx for the compliment on my avater and do you call everybody dude(lol) because I`m a girl
    Hugs Andrea
  6. ... love ur pic dude (the yuna face)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6