Been legit man! Nice tat btw! Might be bartending in lake of the ozarks this summer, riding jetskis around between bars with midgetbob. What about you?
So how the hell you been brosiph?
ROFL :thumbs up:
Yes and no hahaha now that you mention it. Haha
Are we still talking about internet?
Got some now haha. Seems to be working a lot better then the old one.
Hahaha, missed you man. Get some ****ing internet!
Good thing being fixed can be totally reversed! Because what I want to do to you might be pretty graphic for a lot of our users!
Good thing I am fixed the huh. Lots of practice for future mates. Thanks. They are real lady killers. Also I have to admit the facebook stalker thing is kind of kinky.
Um, this is a very controversial subject with me. Not really, in the near future, but I do at some point. If figuratively you meant you wanted to have a relationship with me sexually, then I am all for it. However, I'm planning on not having kids until I'm married for a few years. Your kids are ****ing adorable, though. I facebook creep you.
Hi che. Want to make babies?
hahahahaha ilu
Still trying to figure out which one is me.
Just did twice.
Please feel free to!