How's your guessing on the Kamehameha going? Haha, you should see everyone else's post on it, haha
Oh, that sucks, the Frieza saga blows, its jot too boring and long, I hope the Android saga is amazing in Kai, also I dont think Im going to watch GT, I might after I finish Z and the original Dragon Ball, but untill then I wont watch GT, plus I dont like Gogeta that much haha, even tho he does use "Big Bang Kamehameha" which is like the single most powerful Kamehameha wave known in the Dragon Ball universe only cause it includes the strongest moves ever, the Kamehameha wave (duh) and Vegeta's Big Bang Attack, haha, just saying, sorry bout that, lol
I am still stuck in the Freza saga but it is about to wrap up. Pretty much limited to what is playing on TV seeing all my DVDs are stuck in storage.
Haha, Im just trying to finish Z, im on 231, I hate Babity, haha, I understood why they made Buu Buu, Bibity Babity Buu
Same ol same ol. I have been watching DBZkai over the last few weeks, not as good as the original but still good none the less.
I've been alright, I've been away because I've became obsessed with Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, its like ultra amazing! So what's been happening while I was gone?
It's all good, been super busy. How about you?
Hey, I am back! Hows it been? Sorry I have been gone for like ever, haha
Yea same, could be better, and nope, just relaxing and waiting for the rest of summer to be over with, then back to school :/ Ugg, but oh well. Gotta enjoy what of summer I got left.
Could be doing better and could be doing worse haha. How have you been? Anything new going on?
Hello, how have you been? I just thought I'd say hi
Nice, I've been told that the game I'm playing is ultra hard, and It gets frustrating at times, but I think its awesome, and online co-op
Its all good, been addicted to RE5 again myself. Sabin and I are curently doing a play through.
Hey, sorry I haven't been on, I bought Demon's Souls by Atlus, its freaking amazing O_O
Ah I see, lol, tomorrow then, XD Anyways, I've really haven't had much luck with ppl posting what they thought, I have been responding to them and exchanging thoughts and whatnot, but I think people don't want to talk about it that much, idk, just something I've been thinking about, lol