Conversation Between Meier Link and bobbo087

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. thank you, so, how is your family doing? just wondering, what do you do for a living? I can imagine that you are quite busy with all that at once, it's good to hear that you are doing okay!
  2. Wow that sounds like a whole hell of a lot to deal with at the same time. Pretty much just been working and taking care of the family. Feels like 2 to 3 full time jobs daily haha. Other then that I have been doing alright. Lots of crap going on in the real world but over all I am just happy to be alive.
  3. been busy trying to find a job to no avail, finally met a woman and am going to Canada soon to stay with her. Life is beginning to turn around for me, I am also going to school soon and am gonna try to get a transfer to a college in Ontario, I am going to learn how to make video games. How have you been?
  4. How the heck have you been man, it has been for ever and a day since I have got to talk to you.
  5. Hey, the concert turned out GREAT! I did what you told me to and at the end of the face got painted like Gene Simmons lol but yeah, how was your night?
  6. I would just tell her you don't have anything that suits and ask her politly to come over and pick something out for you to wear. That is always a plus becuase that means you will have her at your house if she decides to come over.
  7. oh yeah! This girl that I am going with wants me to wear all black, but I don't have any black pants or shirts, so what would you suggest?
  8. Hell yeah that is bad ***. I am sure that will be one hell of a show.
  9. yeah I'm not much of a drinker really, I will drink like maybe once or twice a year. Oh my mom got me Kiss concert tickets for FREEEEEE!
  10. That sucks to hear, I hope everything is alright.

    I am doing good, sober for the night so I am no where close to being as tired as I should be haha.
  11. Extremely busy lately. ugh! I might not be able to get on for a little while, I will be away from the house for about two weeks so that really sucks. but how are you doing?
  12. Hows it going? Just figured I would stop by and say hi.
  13. As for the movie, yes he is. That is made clear in the first 10 minutes. But as for the comics I would have to research seeing it has been years since I have read any.
  14. I am not too sure but I have been told that wolverine's brother is sabertooth what do you think?
  15. She is doing better today, still far from 100%. She plans on going abck to work tomorrow.

    I recommend the movie it is pretty good for what it is.
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