Conversation Between Meier Link and GypsyElder

87 Visitor Messages

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  1. Alive, really? Me????

    Haha, whats that about? I got AFK for a few days and I die?

    Actually I have been on a few times (briefly) and had to get back on. Had a pretty eventful weekend.

    How have things been with you?
  2. Meier's alive !!!!
  3. Bad ass yo, I will definantly say whats up to Hide.
  4. I got my friend Claudia to join TFF don't ban me Her name is Hide, say hai
  5. muahahaha!

    try and compete with that Kevin1homo !!!
  6. We are weeners woot woot. All the hos and pimps should bow down upon hearing these stories!
  7. LOL Kind of like mine XD

    We weeen haha.
  8. Yeah even though I was not a noob I still acted like one haha. I remember that thread and thought it was lost in the CoD for good hahahaha. Thanks for that short walk down TFF memory lane hahhahahaa. Damn that thread was sad haha.
  9. It's all good. I just figured I had issued enough warnings in that thread in the last week so I would give everyone the chance to straiten up before anyone else posted.
  10. Sorry Meier he was getting on my nerves.
  11. Truue. I concur ^^
  12. Yeah it wasn't really a shock when I got it. I had been talking to the person that issued it to me when it went down. I kind of like it being there because it shows that even the mods can't break forum rules. Even though I don't think mine was a real violation.
  13. awww. Kind of ironic haha, I thought it was funny when I saw it.
  14. For saying "tsk tsk" to a flaming troll and modding out side of my section. I have had it since Sept. 4th hah.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 87
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