Conversation Between Meier Link and Dodie16

61 Visitor Messages

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  1. That's cool. No worries.
  2. Sorry, I don't really feel up to it.
  3. Obiteration?
  4. Thanks hun you're the greatest! So how have you been? It's been to long since we talked.

  5. Code:

    There you go. Hope you enjoy, and congrats on your wins.
  6. Got a pretty please request! You synced my awards last year into a gif. Could u pwetty pease do et gain fur meee??!?!

    I don't have any of the programs to properly do it anymore and seeing I am not using my own personal comp I don't feel right doing so. Plus you did an amazing job last year and it was and still is very appreciated.
  7. I really don't think I deserve the honors of the final kill seeing I was inactive as an obliterator for so long but if you guys are fine with it then I will make it one hell of a thrill kill.
  8. I messaged Telegraph, and we both agreed that it was fine if you go ahead and do the final obliteration.
  9. I think you and Tele should co-op the final obliteration in the member elimination. I have no done enough lately to even think about taking the final kill.
  10. Please take my next obliteration. Still down and out. Don't have alot off free time.
  11. Sure I am not to much in the creative mood so I say give it a go.
  12. Hello, just dropping by to ask if you want me to do Fate's obliteration in the game or not. I have one already written up, but I didn't want to step in on your turn. At least I think it is... Telegraph was the last obliterator.

    I know you have much more important things on your mind right now, but I figured I would go ahead and ask just in case.

    EDIT: Nevermind... Alther brought Fate back in the game.

    EDIT 2: Loaf took him out again. So my question still remains.
  13. Yeah I realized that he was on vacation when I checked his profile. Thats why I decided to make it public. Thanks for everything.
  14. Well, he's on vacation this week, so he couldn't have checked up on the list, since his last sign-on was on the 15th.

    The life point thing is a nice idea though.
  15. This would be a one time offer and it would only be valid for him and him alone.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 61
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