Conversation Between Meier Link and Xanatos

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday old chap!
  2. Happy birthday, hope you have a good one.
  3. Its just a running joke with me and Pete. The eyes will be back shortly haha.
  4. You know, I got used to your old avatar, just by seeing it I knew exactly who's responding, and what to expect from that post. Today I saw image of Edward Norton being used as someone's avatar, to be honest I was somewhat surprised to see your name above...anyways, what's with "sudden" change?
  5. alright koo, thanks.
  6. Yea, I've noticed that right away, I fixed it immediately, thank for the head ups though.
  7. I got a vote in before your post please edit your post in the member elimination competition.
  8. It certainly looks that way hahahaha....

    In the meantime I came with a plan how to earn quick Gil VG Cats - Updated like a MOTHER ****ER!
  9. I will be right there with you when everything is said and done with hahahaha. Right now though it looks like I am a high roller hahahhaaa...
  10. It worked, now I'm broke in both, real life and forums.
  11. I see, thanks, I'll try again.
  12. Check your bank in vBcommerce. It will tell you what transactions have been made. If it is not on the registry then the transaction did not go through. Also I dont recomment the use of commas.
  13. One question, I made donation, I've sent all of my Gil but it's still there in my account, I really don't know what could be wrong since I followed the instruction properly, do i need to wait for it to disappear or something.
  14. Two things to celebrate today, birthday and Easter, if you celebrate Ester that is. Anyways, happy birthday man, you have a great time today.
  15. I've seen better days but I can't complain, luckily I have extra free this semester so I'm spending it more creatively, playing games all day long.

    I suppose you've become a father since the last time we spoke, so how's the little champ doing?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 37
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