Conversation Between Meier Link and lottiepop

144 Visitor Messages

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  1. As of right now we are concidering Aaden (pronounced Aid-en). We had our girl name set in stone, which is the one my wife always want. But I guess that doesn't matter now haha. We are still unsure about a middle name though. But we figure it would compliment our sons name well.
  2. Awww that's lovely! Have you thought of any names yet?
  3. Doing pretty good, still just living life as crazy as it can be at times. Still just working my *** off all of the time. We found out on the 10th that we are going to have another boy.

    We where pretty upset at first because we wanted a girl but after a few hours we where fine and just happy that it is healthy.
  4. Great, I posted an intro thread, well kinda more like a I'm back thread. I have my own place now and I'm just settling into life, it's nice but kinda strange. How have you been?
  5. Yes very but I am glad you are back. How are things with you?
  6. Surprised?
  7. Where you been???
  8. Heh sorry I was beat last night, didn't feel like staying online for tolong. I will try to get on later tonight.
  9. God I'm so sleeepy,it 3:30am here! Also you should come on msn, we haven't talked in ages!
  10. oooh sounds In that kind of way where fun is slightly scary haha
  11. Just something that Hellbred and I am coming up with. Something fun to livin things up a bit.
  12. that's awesome=] shame you can't rep VM's! haha so much d though! Bleh I'm curious whats the deal with evil inc's "testing"?
  13. I prefer my dream scinario D then to a then d then b relax for a few d again then go to 3, d again while at c then d d d d d d d d d
  14. OBVIOUSLY D....! or possibly a, b, and c, then END with D. =] Either way it's a win win situation haha
  15. It's friday, the only things to do in Oklahoma is
    a: go to the bar
    b: go out to eat
    3: go to the movies
    d: fornicate

    So yeah anywhere you go on a Friday night is going to be packed.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 144
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