Conversation Between Meier Link and Elyon Seraphim

130 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes Meier, I did see this. But i prefer to continue preparing my RP, It's... kinda hard time now, But thanks anyway!

    ~Cheer Friend and Ally.
  2. Didn't know if you had seen this thread yet but I figured you might want to give your 2 cents on the issue:
  3. Im going to think on this.
  4. So instead of hiding out inside of your social group why dont you guys use this forums. RP area? I see constant activity in your social group while the RP grounds sit idle. More people would probably be intersted in RPing on this forun if they see activity on the main forum page.

    You and your group should seriously consider this anddiscuss it amongst yourselves. Hell you guys could probably get your own club too, No point in hiding any ways,
  5. Hi there Meiey, How's things?
  6. I have just being lazy all day and eaten an f****** good meal!

    Im full and happy like dude.

    Now i just sit here at the computer doing lotsa unnecesary crap.
  7. Meh, being a mod has it's moments but all in all I still just consider myself a regular member like everyone else.

    Other then that I am sitting here at work waiting for the end of my shift to come, this day has been long haha. I have had a busy day too but time has been going by so slow. Ready for home haha I really need a nap.

    How have you been?
  8. Hai Meiey!

    Having fun being an mod?

    And... What's cooking doc?

    That means in this case... Are ya doing something?
  9. Ah, I see your point.

    Hope you will have nice with the demo!

    And... i'll soon put in my Beta Testing.

    With LOTS of updates!
  10. I think if I didn't know you I would find your current user name a little more intemidating heh. But over all I like this one because it is more original.

    as for Armageddon, I see thats koo. I was just curios just seemed a little odd heh. Makes sence now.
  11. Ohh, Here's the link in case you feelt lazy.

    And for Armageddon, He asked if he could use my username and add an little extra to it.

    There's 2 reasons why he did that.

    He was bored with his old.
    And the second was it's soon halloween.

    I asked him if he thought i was scary, But i did not get an answer.... oh well.
  12. Shit I need to D/L it and give it a play through, just been busy and it slipped my mind. I will have to check it out tonight though. I need something to do to killl some boredom in the latter parts of the evening. I might have to get the link to the thread from you again to make things easy for me.

    So what is up with Armageddon taking your old user name and adding a little to it to make it his own??!?
  13. Actually, Im quite fine.

    Just alittle bored since no one downloads my game and tells me if they like it.

    And... good luck with the new baby!
  14. Going goodd, just really sore and tired still from Friday. Been busy still trying to get everything situated for the new baby. It has been adding alot of stress as of late.

    How have you been buddy?
  15. Hi there.

    How's everything?
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