Conversation Between Meier Link and winterborn86

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, Maria was 2 on the 2nd of Feb

    It will be nice to have one of each, you boys wont be able to gang up on poor ole mum lol
  2. We are wanting a little girl to complete our set.

    Breyen is 2 now, just hit that marker on the 28th of march.
    Yours is about the same age right?
  3. My mum told me that potty training is the hardest thing to teach a child. I think she is right lol

    Are you hoping for another boy or do you want a little girl? How old is your little boy now?
  4. Potty training sucks doesn't it.

    We have had little luck our selves, our son is still in his diapers and has all of the steps down to go to the bathroom. He just hasn't figured out how to go. We have managed to get him to go #1 once but other then that it is a no go haha.

    It's is crazy you are that far along in the pregnancy, seems like it was only yesterday you made the announcement, but I am sure it doesn't feel that way to you.

    We are currently at week 7.
  5. Yeah, we decided that with another baby on the way we should start getting her settled in a bed, otherwise if we left it later, I will have a new born screaming the house down for a bottle and a 2 year old screaming cos she don't want to be in a bed. I would be pulling my hair out in chunks lol. She doesn't fully understand that she is supposed to stay in it tho, it takes over and hour to get her to stay put.
  6. So your daughter is only a month older then my son and she is already sleeping in a bed? That is amazing, we just put my sons crib to the lowest setting a few months back.
  7. hey thanks for my message, heres one for you too
  8. whats up? keep on rockin on!
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