Conversation Between Meier Link and Bleachfangirl

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. I hope he still gets nap time and snack crackers. If he doesn't, he's already more advanced than most of us high school dweebs.

    SpanishDict | Spanish to English Translation, Dictionary & Translator / Diccionario y traductor ingles espaņol
    There you go. Use it for all your Spanish to English needs. =D Just in case the teachers at school decide to teach him how to say "Daddy is a stupid man who doesn't give my teachers good enough Christmas presents" you'll know!
  2. Well they do simple songs also but I was thinking along the lines of old nersury songs haha. They do use song to help the kids learn.

    As for the spanish he is already leaps ahead of me haha, everyonce in a while he throws out a word I don't know and I have to ask the wife what he just said haha.
  3. You had me up until English and Spanish. o_o He's learning that before he hits middle school? Oh snap, I'm going to be behind! Whatever happened to cute, simple songs, like the one for the months of the year and the days of the week? That's too much learning! ;_;
  4. Yup he already knows alot of the songs both you and I know by heart from our childhood, like the itsy bitsy spider and the wheels on the bus. They have helped him to understand colors, teach English and Spanish, and christianity. Those are just to name a few of many though.
  5. My preschool let me run rampant, and I thought it was great! When the "teachers" weren't paying attention, I'd do fun things like taste the play dough and finger paint. x) This probably isn't making you any more assured that Breyen is in good hands though, is it? What kinds of things are they teaching him? Are there still songs? =D
  6. He is already in daycare, has been for over a year now. We consider it school because it is set up as more of a preschool type setting. His "school" temdsto want to teach the children instead of sitting them down in front of a TV or letting them run rampant an play outside and with toys all day. Then again for 142 bucks a week I think he should dang well be learning something productive to life haha.
  7. Time flies by if you don't pay attention to it. Will you be sending him to preschool when he hits three to mingle with the other kids? Sounds like he's even ready for it now. XD
  8. 2 and a half as of last month. Damn, where did the time go. It seems like just yesterday we where bringing him home from the hospital and now he is strining together full sentances and using the restroom when ever he needs to. It's crazy.
  9. Man, that's gotta be fun on your part. XP Just how old is he now?
  10. Yup the only thing he needs help with is the actual cleaning up after going number 2, other then that he is completely self sufficiant when going about his bath room buisness haha.
  11. But it's cute when a parent starts using baby-talk around other people, because then you know just how much they love their kid. ^^ It's cool that he decided all by himself after though. Is he going to the bathroom all on his own now?
  12. Pretty much, we had been working with him for a few months but he was very against the idea and didn't want to do it. We never spanked him for not going in the toilet but we did get on to him a few times. I almost said potty instead of toilet haha, I have definantly been around the kiddo to long ahha
  13. Haha, I'll try.

    Oh wow, he did that all on his own? That right there is a good kid! I had to get spanked every day before I figured I should use the toilet instead of my pants.
  14. That sucks you need to come around more.

    I am fine just been busy with life and getting ready for the new kiddo. Breyen is doing good in his transition to become a "big boy". He woke up one day and told me he was going to be one and that he wanted to start using the pottly like one. It was mind blowing.
  15. Yes it has. I haven't been anywhere for me to talk to any of the members actually.

    So how have you been? And your adorable son? =D
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