Conversation Between Meier Link and Shadow Of Darkness

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Meier muh friend !
    well Im pretty good, thx for asking, but also very boder, Ive got nothing to do.
    TFF somehow became boring to me cause most of my friends from TFF are always on MSN so the only reason why I come here is to see if anyone need me or to do some trivia..
    Anyway...pretty boring part of my life right now.
    How are you? Hows life?
  2. SoD you SOB, how the hell you been?
  3. Good for you
    Im also pretty good but just very bored..Im looking for a job cause this boredom is killing me !
  4. Sorry for the delayed responce. Things are going well and from the look of things they will only be getting better before the ineviatble turn for the worse haha. How are things with you?
  5. S'up Meier ? Hows life?
    well Im quite good thank you
  7. Well I asked how have you been, not where. haha.
  8. Well I told you in that last message I sent !
    My computer broke down and a few days ago I got a new one!
  9. Not alot man just getting ready for work, how the heck have you been?
  10. Hi Meier ! whats up?!
  11. Just let me know when you are ready to pick it back up. Good to see everything is alright with you. Kind of had us scared there for a minute seeing you where talking about being ill and then disappeared on us for such a long time.
  12. Sorree ! Im computer is breaking down ! It took me about 30 min to even turn it on !
    I know I have only a few more posts to complete my challange but I dont know if I can do it in such situation..
  13. What the hell happened to you bro?
  14. Just make sure to go back and hyperlink all of your posts in the CPC8 family thread.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 23
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