Conversation Between Meier Link and Xithor

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Very welcome, if you have any more questions feel free to hit me up.
  2. Oh ok gotcha thank you, I know you gotta put spaces in there in order for them to show up or else they will just do what they are intended to do. Thanks again
  3. well the bb code you are using is [spoil] and in counter part [ /spoil ] as a closing tag. This is the option that the forum gives you. If you want the drop down all you have to is add an "er" to the tag.

    For instance [spoiler] [/spoiler ] will give you the desired result ( eliminate the space in the closing tag). You will have to hand type this in or edit the standard spoil tag to spoiler.
  4. Hey I've been trying to figure out how to make that little drop down box for spoilers instead of the black boxes. Is there a button that I'm not seeing or is it code bc it's been a few years since I had my last site and was writing in HTML on a daily basis
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4