Hey buddy, Happy 30th, hope you have a great day!
Yeah chances are, if I've broken a rule, Ally has already warned me
Exclude that last pm from your reading material. Missed the fact you had already been warned by ally. **cuddles** already removed my warning.
LOL at that psycho in the tattoo thread, off his bloody rocker
Fair enough, but no matter way you look at it, its a double standard. And in terms of fairness in comparison, it was unjust. Pretty much a bad call
I got it for trolling. It is still up for debate all together but I think it will just be forgoten about. Andro and I where talking about it that night that the warnings where issued and I still can't say I agree with it but I am fine with it. As for Andro I can't bad mouth him for him doing what he feels is right.
rofl just looking back over your post, i didnt actually think you were serious for saying "tsk tsk". How did you get a warning for that ? Thats insane! Did you not chase it up? I did by pm, and guess what ?! not a peep back.. I think its safe to assume, that Andromeda is not human, but a flame bot programmed for these forums... a very bad flame bot in this case, that is unable to comprehend the english language O_O
Tis silly i know, Andromeda has his head up his arse, back in my day we used to use a little discretion
Yeah, I got a warning for my post in that thread also for "tsk tsk". Honestly found it to be a little on the humorous side.
Grand job, seemed it was.. Dont mind me im a bastard
that comment wasn't directed twards you, well atleast the trolling and flamebating part wasnt.