Conversation Between Meier Link and RagnaToad

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. Good. I've been doing this internship at a travel magazine for 5 weeks now. One week to go.
  2. Yup. There was nothing that pertained tot he actual topic at hand.

    Things are going well. Just been working my butt off and all the time haha. How are things going with you?
  3. I deserved that warning.

    Anyway, how are things?
  4. Totally ultimately secret on the hidden forum called the world wide web
  5. awesomeness! No I can secretly profess my love!
  6. Invited!
  7. Hey now! How come I am not a member of the selected "I am in love with Oceaneyes" group!
  8. I can see if it is koo with them but I am not sure if they will let me seeing there are already 2 mods in that area.
  9. Ok.

    First this

    Can't you ask Cesar for temorary Mod power in the WG forum, to control that thread? (To correct mistakes like these, which happen quite often.)
  10. I am cool with it if someone wants to alphabetize the member elimination.
  11. It is a big deal though, if you have been defending people for weeks now.

    Care to share specific information about what happened earlier this week? ^^
  12. Got them. I thought you were just making mention that you were thinking about deleting the other posts. Either way would of been fine heh. With them still there it gives off the importance of the issue.
  13. There are still two replies of yours in that discussion, not making any sense because of me deleting my posts. Sorry, but I didn't want to look like a total cunt.
  14. hahah I will delete it then heh.
  15. Actually, I think I'll delete all my posts in that discussion, as I had completely underestimated the issue, and didn't know exactly what you were talking about.

    You should probably delete your answers to my posts then, cause they won't make much sense.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 53
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