Conversation Between Meier Link and Rikkuffx

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. I didn't mean that I offended you,I just meant the thank you part and the getting better part. lol but thanks for reading.
  2. I don't know why you refered me to your journal post, you have never offended me in any way or anything else that was listed there. but it was a good read.
  3. Wow....I would slap her,if you didn't want a kid then why have one? I hope Jason gets custody,i wouldn't want my kid with a mom like that.
  4. Yeah Jason had a family, a wife and son. Now he is wifeless and he is fighting for custity of his son. The odds are looking good in his favor. She basically said she doesn't want the kid anymore.
  5. My bro and all the guys i know that are in aren't gonna be career guys. my bro wants to be a firefighter when he gets out and he wants to have a family someday and he once told me you can't put your family through that,it will tear our family apart if something does happen to him...i don't even wanna know how my dad will react i haven't talked to him in liek 10 or 12 years or something like that,hes in fl...he'd prob blame it on my mom like he blames everything on her when hes the one who did everything,blah my mom has a bad feeling about my bro being over especially since the area where my bro is going has no military activity and they are the first ones in that area to clear it out and stuff...
  6. Yeah my little bro got an honorable discharge with no inactive duty required and my inlaw (Jason) just reinlisted for another 3 years and moved to Florida. I think he might be a lifer. He has been in since he was 18 and is now 28. He has seen many tours of duty and it would rip my wifes family apart if something was to happen to him.
  7. Yea my bro is in the marines( i think you knew that lol) his childhood friend joined with him but they got split up and nick(his friend) is going to iraq in august. My bro has 2 years left and then liek 3 years inactive and since stuff with North Korea is heating up mom thinks they may pull him while he's inactive if something happens over there...blahh...
  8. Well it is good to heare you are doing well, and that you are able to keep in contact with your brother. My little bro was in the navy and we never got to talk to him at all. Except when he came back from deployment.

    I can't wait for this crap to be over with. My little bro is out but my brother in law is in the Marines and is scheduled for deployment in the next few months. Sucks.
  9. We have gotten a few letters and he actually has called us and was able to get online!! He's not supposed to have the net or phone calls just letters this time. He's good. They are going on the move soon,we've actually seen some articles on yahoo about his battalion and such. He's part of the 2/8 expeditionary brigade,the first ones to go to afghanistan since obama is pulling themf rom iraq or whatever. We've sent him a package and stuff we're sending another one this week,he said it's like 120 degrees over there and the heat is drying out the pens and everything. i miss him i'm doing okay been really sick for a month,and the hospital has no idea what i had cause all my tests came back fine but i did have something cause i couldn't swallow and my throat had weird blisters going all the way down my throat,i'm fine now though
  10. Doing pretty good besides a massive sinus head ache. Just been living life. How have you been? HAve you got to talk to your brother since he left. .
  11. meier how have you been hun? I haven't talked to you inf forver!!
  12. True true,what do you do for work again? I forgot lol sorry
  13. Slow, boring, and repetative haha. Other then that it's a job and it pays the bills. But I do like my job.
  14. Thanks,yea,hows work?lol
  15. I see, that really sucks. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I am glad I am getting off work here in a few minutes.
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