Conversation Between Meier Link and Aara

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Doing good, working alot. How have you been?
  2. hey! hows u? i'm feeling better now
  3. no. i got them taken out
  4. That sucks, could it be your tonsils?

    Is that you in your profile pic?
  5. idk man. i can't even talk
  6. Whats the matter?? Flu?

    And thanks.
  7. -giggles- awww you're hot babe! lol i'm soooo sick
  8. Yup that would be my skinny ass. Any pictures you see posted by me are me.
  9. the one by your name, and i'm ok
  10. Which pic are you refering too? And some how yes I am still alive haha. How have you been?
  11. -pokes-
    are you still alive? and is that u in that pic?
  12. Sounds like fun, well not really. I hope you get to feeling better.
  13. i'm sick & bored
  14. Not a whole lot, what have you been up to?
  15. whats up?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 17
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