Conversation Between Meier Link and HUNK

34 Visitor Messages

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    I almost missed this one man, happy birthday bro! Cheers for super-mod-friend-bro-dude-guy-man!
  2. Hey, I think I'm gona do an avatar of Gang Green Gang.
  3. Gwahaha, its derivative from the new staffing changes that happened recently.
  4. So what, now you're all powerpuff bros?
  5. Just a running joke between me him and one person that hasn't figured the joke out yet. Giving it some time to see if she catches on.
  6. Hey bro, what's up with you and Pete having the fight club avys?
  7. Yo, your second last journal post. I'm sorry if one of those commenting people you were refering to was me...Didn't mean any disrespect.

    As for your most recent post, very last paragraph: Been in the exact same situation.
    Peace be with you!
  8. Oh yeah, been good bra.

    Happy to hear about your kids man, that's a true blessing. I don't know why, but you seem like a good father to me.
  9. Andrew, I think you have known me long enough to call me by my real name haha (atleast in reps haha). Kidding

    Hope all has been well with you.
  10. Jesus I missed your birthday! AHHHHH!!!!!

    Happy late-birthday Meier!
  11. Oh hey Meier. It has been awhile hasn't it.

    Well I have been alright I suppose. Recently I have been playing a DS that I borrowed from a friend and have really goten into Hoshigami(Tactics game similar to FFT) and Final Fantasy IV.
    School is going alright but I have kinda been distracted...
  12. How have you been, it has been a long while since I have talked to you.
  13. Haha I was just playing around.
  14. Sorry man, I did think of it but have not had the time.

    The one chance I had I could not think of anything to say that would add to the topics at hand.
    I'm on it now though!
  15. HUNK! Dang you for joining the Corp and not posting in it!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 34
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