Conversation Between Meier Link and Magi of Worlds

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. So were you wanting to join my Group SOLDIER R US? I've sent you an invite if you did.
  2. Yeah I hear what your saying man. I'd rather be at work right now. Although I don't do anything near as exciting as working on aircraft.
  3. Sitting at work, putting labels on bens. I will trade you. This is truely boring.

    Going from working on aircraft to inventory, sucks. Got to love the slow down periods haha.
  4. -Yawn- Its so boring right now. I just found out that my adoptee doesn't come on until way later and its hard to think of stuff to do right now. How about you?
  5. Not much man. Had to work last night until 11 so I'm tired.
  6. Bored. Whats up?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 36 of 36
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