Conversation Between Meier Link and Faustus

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Of you, possibly. Of the BoD, I could in all honestly care less about. Not thats a bad thing though. I found you to be one of the more interesting members of that faction. Wouldn't mind to see an official come back by you and a few others, like Toro and DarkVivi.

    As for being butthurt (got a good laugh about that one), that means I would actaully have to care doesn't it? I really don't, at all.
  2. Ah dare I say a fan? I'm all atwitter.
  3. Sorry I was being sarcastic.

    Probably not, I was still fairly new here when you and the BoD left. But I have read alot of the older posts in the CoD and have read through alot of your posts.

    I don't like the Mountain, never been big on going up there.
  4. So those few funny comments is what constitutes trolling these days. How sad. And secondly do I know you? In the non-dissaproving-mod-coming-down-off-of-the-mountain-to-tell-me-off capacity?
  5. Seriously you show back up here since the BOD exodus to troll? Disapointed in you Faustus. I expect something better.
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