Conversation Between Meier Link and Fuzz

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Why thank you kind sir! Little Lucee appreciates it. She turned 1 week old today.
  2. Having my son was probably about the best thing that has ever happened to me. The second on (another boy btw) is due the first week of December.

    A bit of advice? Take everything you think you know about raising kids and chunk it out the window. Basic instinct will be you ally. Kids are fun though after a few months that is.

    Do you know what you are having?
  3. I will check this out later this evening. Thanks for sharing. I know I have hard time getting around and staying active ;0. Which I hope will get better with this new job. I didn't know you had kids?? I have my 1st one on the way Oct. 26th! I have no idea what I am getting into, but I am excited.
  4. Hey boss could you check out this link and give us your thoughts when you have a minute.
  5. Been doing good, keeping busy as usual. Seeing you probably missed it, I found out earlier this month that I am going to have a second child, which is very exciting. How have you been?
  6. haha, well of course nothing. This is the 1st time I have logged into TFF in over a month - sad but true... will change soon though. I had over 6000 unread posts, haha. What up though, how have you been?
  7. Dang I have not befriended you yet, what the hell is wrong with me?????
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8