Conversation Between Lunasa and Rikkuffx

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. haha yea i usually do just fade but ive been more active and on msn alot more talking to a few tff members so i decied since i cant get on msn to make a post and let you guys know so no ones worried lol anyway i havent talked to you forever how are ya?(i'm on moms comp again so i dunno when i'm going to be able to respond hwen you respond)
  3. Have a good new years!
  4. Have a good christmas if i dont talk to you before then!
  5. Happy Thanksgiving
  6. hey you!
  7. I just realized we are 3 days aprt and 3 years lol
  8. Aww thanks!I was kinda grumpy earlier so yea lol i was taking it the wrong way and i did this huge rant about the reps on my tff journal but oh well. and yes we should talk some time
  9. Hate yah!? Awww, don't be all down on yourself like that!!! It's not my problem, that Rep stuff. I was just stating some possible reasons why the Admins still want it down. I'm not a hypersensitive fool. Anyways, you're good girlie, anyways. We should talk some time. *friends you*
  10. Hey,I do understand about the post to rep ratio stuff. I didnt mean to imply I didnt understand. Blah this whole thing is getting stupid anyway and I dont wanna fight with anyone i just hope you dont hate me either..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10