Sweet comp banner.... Eh I don't know what else to say haha!
Haha. No way! =P
Lol At first I thought you negged me and I was like but then I
Thanks man, Yeah I have had a pretty good day!
Haha. Happy birthday dude. Hope you have an incredible day filled with Pokemons you love.
hey man thanks for the rep Sweet new sig, you get a VM raing of 10/10
I'm not too bad, I'm on school holidays I just git a very sore ingrown toenail cut out for good, so thats a good thing. Becides from that I have been doing absolutley nothing
Although exams are killing me, but I think I am fine! What about you?
No problem, I only speaketh the truth. How are you anyway? And it makes my day knowing I made yours
Hahaha, Thank you for compliment in the "Your opinion on the above Avatar" thread! ^^;; It made my day!
Hahaha! Thanks dude! I think you are cool too.
Hello! I've seen you around and me thinks you're pretty cool, so you get a VM and a friend invitation Sean.