Conversation Between Confession and Omega Weapon

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Sweet comp banner.... Eh I don't know what else to say haha!
  2. Haha. No way! =P
  3. Lol At first I thought you negged me and I was like but then I
  4. Thanks man, Yeah I have had a pretty good day!

  5. Haha. Happy birthday dude. Hope you have an incredible day filled with Pokemons you love.
  6. hey man thanks for the rep

    Sweet new sig, you get a VM raing of 10/10
  7. I'm not too bad, I'm on school holidays I just git a very sore ingrown toenail cut out for good, so thats a good thing.
    Becides from that I have been doing absolutley nothing
  8. Although exams are killing me, but I think I am fine!
    What about you?
  9. No problem, I only speaketh the truth. How are you anyway?

    And it makes my day knowing I made yours
  10. Hahaha, Thank you for compliment in the "Your opinion on the above Avatar" thread! ^^;; It made my day!
  11. Hahaha! Thanks dude! I think you are cool too.
  12. Hello! I've seen you around and me thinks you're pretty cool, so you get a VM and a friend invitation

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12