Conversation Between Ralz and BigWill

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. You really should throw away that copy of the Evil Overlord guide book. That has to be a few years old. The new revised version has better plans and whatnot.
  2. Curses, I knew I should have killed them all when I had the chance. But no matter, MY air ducts are too small for even a mouse to crawl through.
  3. Aye, that it is. But you need to watch out for that plot twist. You know, the one where you kill all young ones that fit the profile, cept the right one?
  4. Then I'll just go kill that person. Better he die young than grow to become powerful enough to stop me.

    That's one of the big rules in the Evil Overlord guide book.
  5. Mega-laser huh? You do realize that when you said no one will be able to stop you, now someone will be able stop you.
  6. Unfortunately, it's going slower than I thought. However, with my new mega-laser, no one will be able to stop me.
  7. Great man. So how goes the plot to take over the world?
  8. Hey, Will, everything's coolio.

    How's about you?
  9. Hey Ralz, hows it hanging?
  10. Oh.
  11. It would only be awesome if the bad guy was an emu.
  12. Probably not. But he got to face an awesome bad guy, at least.
  13. Wow, I'm really not sure I want to know...
  14. At the end of the story... he was still a douchebag... but he wasn't that bad, really.
  15. This story doesn't end well does it?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 27
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