Conversation Between Ralz and SeaAlchemist

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. TBH, the whole game is enticing. <3
  2. Cool Aqua's and Terra's look awesome too though
  3. I just might, too!
  4. Yeah I can't wait I'm gonna play as Ven first
  5. Excited. The days get longer and longer, the closer we get.
  6. *pokes*Awesome Vanitas set I can't wait for Birth by Sleep to come out in America
  7. your welcome
  8. Thanks for your kind words!
  9. Happy birthday
  10. yep but i'm stuck in stupid marsh cave >..........<
  11. One that started it all, huh? Classic.
  12. i have 1 it's really fun
  13. You should go get it, its really fun.

    And if not, there's always 1-5.
  14. cool and speaking of ff games i wanna play VI now but it's at my grandma's house >.......<
  15. Great. Certainly a nice day to be playing an FF game.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 25
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