Conversation Between Ralz and Unknownangel

460 Visitor Messages

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  1. So hows life going for yah?
  2. Good luck to you!
  3. Busy trying to fine the top ten best racket brands but now I need to sleep...-_- soccer game tomorrow...Good night.
  4. But he's kinda dead, now.

    Oh well. How are you?
  5. Its okay I dint mind having him around.....just so you know.
  6. Unknown, I killed Seph if that makes you happy.
  7. Hey, Unknown. How are you???
  8. All right need to get going, any thing else?
  9. So when is he coming again?
  10. ....
  11. ....?
  12. ...o
  13. ......... Got any popcorn?
  14. ...
  15. Yep, waiting just waiting.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 460
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