We're not... on the same page. At least, right now. I might decide to participate in the next one, though. I guess maturity's catching up to me. Haha. ... Yeah, right.
ehh I have been doin pretty good. Lurking a bit myself these days. Waiting for that one good thread to pop up. When we had the start of the eliminations I expected to see you and Fate here haha
Damnit, I've been found out... It's cool. I keep an eye on the place. How you been?
I see you online you lurking little shit, haha how ya been
Yea I know. I haven't really seen you much around the forums, been lurking lately ehh haha.
Heyo! Haven't spoke to you in awhile.
Hey, Kisuke! Almost done with school, just a few more classes.
hey Ralz what's up...