Conversation Between Ralz and -Balthier-

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, I keep tabs on alot of things, and thanks for your comment! ^^
  2. I love this site Lol I joined your Sg if you haven't noticed by now
  3. I'll look forward to it. See you! ^^
  4. You certainly will.Happy posting dude
  5. That's fine with me! Anyway, I'll hope to see you around the forums, Balthier!
  6. Lol I see so I think I'll just call you Ralz and you can call me Balthier
  7. I usually call people by their usernames, and nothing else. Everything's simpler with me!
  8. hopefully i'll get Balthier.I'm not one for nicknames
  9. Hope you don't get anything TOO embarassing!
  10. LOL sweet *goes to post on Fate's page*
  11. Just my friend Fate. He comes up with nicknames for everyone. Stick around him, and before long, he'll have a name for you, too!
  12. Lol Ralzy LMAOOOO is that what people call you
  13. I thought you might be with that last comment!
  14. lol I'm a girl for your info
  15. In that case, I'd better avoid the subject! o_O
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 31
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