Conversation Between Ralz and xTidus

9 Visitor Messages

  1. But I don't have enough for two...


    That's what I'll do! I'll replicate the ice cream a million times over, then sell the cloning technology to SCIENCE and make millions!
  2. No! That's not good. You should just share the chocolate and ice cream with me ^.^
  3. If it doesn't succeed then... I will announce my defeat... and then consume a full bowl of chocolate ice cream in shame...
  4. And if it doesn't? What you going to do?
  5. The pink plan will succeed another time...

    I assure you.
  6. Oh well At least you tried!
  7. My master plan didn't work...
  8. By the way, I could never not EVER get bored of pink
  9. Hey! Have a wonderful birthday, Casey!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9