Its true....
lol,ur friends sound offense
I think it might be the opposite with them, I'll walk out in ultimate embarassment...
lol,if i told my friends that..i would either die of exhaustion or die from laughing so hard.
Hmm... I could, but I'm not sure WHAT will happen, then... oO
No you dont,here I got an idea! Ask ur friends to be hyper for the rest of eternity.(i want to see how it goes,lol.)
I want your life. oO
lol,i actually like school for the fact that all my friends will be there.I hate stayin at home cuz there is nutin to do.
That's usually why I'm glad when I get home. Get some music, and play some crap, whatever it is.
lol,i bet.I couldnt take all the quiet and boredness.
You have no idea... I feel I'm the only sane person there...
wow,well ur missin out on alot.
I wish I had friends like that. The one's I got IRL are the most boring troupe you've ever seen. When they're not sitting down, doing nothing, they're talking about their rivetting night, in which they did nothing. >_>
I do,but ya gotta luv them.Sometimes,the things they do make you fall on the ground laughin at the top of ur lungs.
You got wierd friends. : O