Conversation Between Ralz and IceColdPillow

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Hmm, well just keep at it and you'll find it. There's plenty of options available to you.
  2. Yeah, I'll probably end up changing it in a week, I can never seem to find a solid one for some reason
  3. Ah, found a new avatar have you? It fits you.
  4. It works out quicker than you'd think!
  5. Consider it done brother I need to build up my family now...
  6. That's fine. I'll be your Officially-Demented, Random, Lazy, and Comedic Brother!
  7. haha nah I just started in this forum kinda, but i guess i can start now, what should you be called? sorry for the late reply btw
  8. Got it. Do you have one?
  9. devious half brother obsessed with stealing your refrigirator?

    [my frineds mom i said i do that everytime i go in their house ]
  10. Alright then, what shall I call you?
  11. Yeah! haha i've been in need of a family Ralz thank you :]
  12. Glad to see we're friends IceColdPillow! By any chance did you wanna join my TFF Family?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12