Conversation Between Ralz and Kilala

238 Visitor Messages

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  1. And another. 2 days early, but whatever.
  2. I'm going to give my long-overdo wish from beyond the grave. Hope you are doing well, wherever you are.
  3. It a prequel to the whole Kingdom Hearts series! I'm really pumped for it!!!
  4. Hehe, I don't know much about that game!!! Whats it about... or is it a continuation... Or something XD
  5. I'm waiting in desperation for September to come. Birth by Sleep is within reach!!!
  6. Yesh ^^. We should start organising this... November is coming up quickly ^~ All must be perfect! -cheers with pom poms-
  7. That would be the most awesome thing ever!
  8. Exactly! It'll be the best ever... and then we can have a concert by Evanescence . How cool would that be ;P.
  9. OMG, so big, no one will ever be able to top it!
  10. Hehe for sure Fuzzle-Muffin IS a miracle worker O_O We should make him teh biggest poundcake.... in... the.... world!!!!!!

  11. I'm amazed by half of what he does.
  12. So good to hear Ralz ^__^ Yay!!! -super hugs-
    Yes I saw some of his work and it's very impressive to say the least! ^_^
  13. *epic dancing*

    I've been doing pretty well since you were gone. Fate's gone and become a whiz at Photoshop. He made my signature!
  14. -Dances with you crazily-

    So tell me! How is Ralz doing? Tell me all ^^ I want to know
  15. We all did, really. <3

    Best. Day. Ever. Again.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 238
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