Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

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  1. It came with it. I don't mind having to renew it, so long as it does it's job.

    You ever play the high speed one too much and then when you switch to normal, it feels too slow? I wonder if the slow was put in there to counter that. It would've been a stroke of genius if the load times could be sped up (explaining why they're so long), but alas...

    Ironically, when they made the Sentinel role for Serah and Noel, they both share a unique skill. Noel got Mediguard while Serah got... It all makes sense.

    I kinda find it a little ridiculous how society moved on for 400+ years and once he pops out of his freezer, they just accept him as their leader. Though, Alyssa was apparently behind much of the work, including the creation of the proto fal'Cie. (Granted, that worked out bad, but...)
  2. You mean warranty? Or are you talking about anti-virus/malware protection? Because life-time is the best deal ever, unless if technology starts getting its growth spurt again.

    And this one that slows down everything--god, that one made Hope sound like a creeper. o_o

    ...Snow, you never change. >w>

    Not only that--he's literally running a huge city at the early age of 18 or something, built a machine that can let him see time without certain side-effects, ambition to create a new world, probably made the entire Academy a defense robot, and probably a lot more, from what I've heard. Bartholomew should be a very, VERY proud father. xD
  3. 500, yeah. It's a laptop, and it works great. Has one-year protection, so I'm set until then.

    Anti-grav, right? Yeah, I often jump just for that. Lol.

    I gotta be careful with our game. Looking at the bestiary I have so far, there might be some That One Bosses.

    She had a Coliseum DLC, of course with a crummy 7% drop rate. She's getting another one this month detailing her fight with Caius. I was hoping all the original six would come back as DLC with the following roles:

    Fang: Commando
    Lightning: Ravager
    Vanille: Saboteur
    Sazh: Synergist
    Hope: Medic
    Snow: Sentinel

    Well... HALF of those came true, and Snow is coming out as DLC, too.

    Funny, cause that's like the only time he uses it. For the rest of the game he just holds it. Though I do like Hope much more in this game, he's thankfully matured.
  4. Must have costed big bucks. :/ Hope it'll be alright, and it has proper protection, good venting, and doesn't over-heat on the surface it's on as much.

    A friend also showed this cool video of those shiny super jumps. God, so shiny. So shiny. IT'S. SO. SHINYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

    Man, I can feel the intensity level of games these days.

    Lightning? I thought she already has a DLC, or is it the one in her Goddess' armor? Also, having Hope on the party would also be a good thing. There was that one monster in the trailer that he seemed to have fatally damaged with his magical boomerang.
  5. Yeah, and it's not the first time it happened.

    I can see that, and it can be useful for dodging monsters to an extent. Yeah, I basically have about 20 or so monsters waiting for a guide, lol.

    They really messed up with the drop rates in this game. Fencer is a notorious monster that has a useful infusion ability for commandos, but it has an abyssmal 5% drop rate.

    I suppose, though it needed a lot more Lightning. Fortunately, she has a DLC coming up, so there's that. Last game I played with time travel was Chrono Trigger. I suppose my expectations were a bit too high for this one.
  6. Man, that sucks when your computer gets fried. D:

    Just felt restricting when we couldn't jump as much in the first game. x3 I wouldn't blame the lack of monster-raising guides, since there's so many monsters.

    That system was also very interesting to mess with. I don't blame the lack of monster-raising guides, seeing that there are so many monsters, especially the rare ones I hear about. xD

    Still, it's such a refreshing story. You don't get to see games that are about time traveling so often~ The last time I ever knew a game about time traveling is Dark Cloud 2, and I knew about it since I was 7, which might have been 2001-2003. <3
  7. Sorry for the late reply, my computer died and I had to get a new one. >_<

    Anyway, I agree about the jumping, though there was nothing wrong with auto-jumps. And after playing through Academia 500... I just hope it's better implemented in the future, should it return.

    The monster system is also really good, though only a handful of monster builds are floating around on GameFAqs.

    The story is kinda weak, though, I feel. They use the paradox excuse way too much.
  8. Well, the wheels are slowly turning again.

    I think it's actually better than the can jump, traveling is LESS tedious, the concept is interesting, and a lot more things to do than just grind mindlessly. x'D
  9. It's coming, no matter what form it decides to take.

    I started getting the DLC for the game, it's pretty good. I think the original XIII is better, but I still have lots of fun.
  10. And the bigger thing-what the game's plot will be. It's kind of unimaginable to me at this point. All of the different demos take in different places, and the files are small enough for me to know that there isn't anything much going on with every release... Either Ely is being a clever guy and keeping the real thing under construction while we test out the battle system and the moves, or that something..? But I won't lose the faith that we'll eventually get this SOMEWHERE.

    Ah, I've played the demo for XIII-2. It's pretty amazing!
  11. Good to know you still have it logged away. I have no idea when the game will be finished/released, as you might expect.

    Been keeping myself busy with XIII-2.
  12. "Never" is a bit too much, aye? That would mean I never existed here! (But I do get what you mean. >w>)

    And I do still remember about the game, I'm not that forgetful and brain-dead. :I
  13. Not that, just that you're never here. Like, ever.

    It involves Elyon's game. Assuming you remember.
  14. You thought I was dead? Psssssh, even if I tried to fall under a deadly illness, my immune system will beat the crap out of those viruses. :I

    What was it?
  15. Holy crap, you're still alive. O.O

    Well... a long time ago, I wanted to confirm something for the game, but it got resolved soon after.
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