Well, glad I finally heard back from you. All right, well, if you do make one, just leave me a message with the name.
Yeah, you can reach me here if you'd like. It has been awhile, I'll consider the chatango thing. See you!
Oh, yeah, since I don't really check here often, you can message me over Chatango. My username is sandchu, if you don't remember, and if I'm not online, just send me an offline message. All righty then, hope to talk to you soon! :3
Hmm. Chances are slim you'll see this, but if you do, heya Rally! How're ya doing? It's been ages since we talked, so I just wanted to say hi. I wish that we hadn't lost connection like we did, but it happened, and I figured somehow we would stay in contact, but that didn't happen... Maybe now we can? Jelleh also says hi. She forgot her password here, but she's trying! D: