Conversation Between Ralz and Alther Primus

862 Visitor Messages

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  1. Done with three of them, now you can go tell me that I have bad character design LOL (Its a weakness of mine )
  2. Yes, I've been told. I'm thinking of some ideas for the characters' appearances, and you can pitch in with that if you want.
  3. Yo, all three of us Chaosthrians are active, Elyon wants us to make the Design Discussion thread.
  4. Alther, reporting for any spriting pertaining to CoC!
  5. Huh, I was looking at the convo, and I have two questions:

    #1: How did Krysta become the physical powerhouse? <_>

    #2: How does Elyon become unavailable?

    Also, I'm more than willing to help!

    I'll PM ya later.
  6. Hello.

    To be honest, I haven't tackled the story in quite some time. I plan to add changes, but I'm currently working with Elyon on a Synthesis system. Any ideas you can provide would be appreciated.

    You have a manga? That'd be interesting.
  7. Wassuuuuuup?

    Would you mind PM-ing me any changes to the story, so I can butcher various parts for other arcs or something?

    I can also PM you my current Manga story concepts if you want...
  8. Yo! Ralzter-san! Would you care to join an RP based on my (currently awaited,) manga?
  9. 'sup?
  10. Okie doke! (Bear in mind, I can change it, your approval pending, but most of it I probably won't :3)
  11. I'm too lazy to give you a detailed thingus, so I'll tell you quickly over a PM. Wouldn't want anyone else besides Elyon being spoiled!
  12. All right!

    OK! I'll be patient! *fiddles with the current W.I.P. Gabriel sprite*
  13. I'll consider it.

  14. Well, if you're any good with fighting games you can help, or even just come up with ideas for moves and let me decide whether or not they get in and what inputs.

    LOL I know

    Thanks! When will I get to see it?
  15. No good with MUGEN, I haves to say noes.

    Soon can be taken a lot of ways.

    I can compile it for you, I suppose
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 862
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