It's Ralz! It's who? - It's Ralz Oh no, it's Ralz Run, it's Ralz Take cover, it's Ralz Ralz.
He seems to be multi-purpose that way, indeed.
Vivi isn't a time mage. He's a white mage with his ultimate heal "Doomsday". His secondary role is black mage and awesome character.
I was 18 yesterday, and now I am 19. But, I could've used some time magick to change some things. I think this guy is. The Final Fantasy Forums - View Profile: ViviMasterMage
I take a look at today's birthdays and I see that you are 19 to my surprise. I could swear remembering that you were already 19; are you using magicks to halt your growth and are just changing your date of birth each year? Perhaps you are a Magemaster...
Yo, I got some magicitie for sell. This is the pure stuff too, it ain't go cheap. Whatcha say? Ya want some?
I'm a completionist myself. Want it all as quickly as possible. But not so much a perfectionist. I want it, but I won't work too hard for it.
Or you could just grind in the first playthrough. As I said I was able to get what I wanted most; I wouldn't have minded more but I had enough for what i wanted.
Oh... so its a one time thing? Interesting. It would require multiple playthroughs to get the good stuff, then.
I'm don't think the stuff you unlock in the first "new game +" carries over to the next one. The player could save the points to get everything they want. Here are some examples: Increase Over Limit - increases the Speed at which the Over Limit gauge fills up Gald - inherit gald (money) in possession Artes - inherit artes in possession 2x Experience 10x Experience Capacity Cores - inherit capacity cores in possession. Capacity cores increase a character's stat parameters each time they level up. With capacity cores the characters can learn different AD skills that are useful in battle. Probably one of the best ones to get that way the player can get higher stats.
Fate suggested that game to me. I'm going to get it when I get enough money together. So... the new game + gets more and more, then? Sounds like the game would have a lot of replay value.
I liked the new game + options in Tales of the Abyss. The grade you get from each battle accumulates and the player uses that score to unlock certain features for the next playthrough. I had enough points to get my top three things I would want.
I love that option in games. Makes the new game easier, but it usually unlocks some ultimate dungeon, too.