Conversation Between Ralz and Mallick

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh, Mallick! You know, you should post something like this in the comings and goings forum, so everyone else can know! But, welcome back from me!
  2. Hey, it's me! i know what you are thinking, where have i been. Well, busy. great to have time to get back on the site.
  3. Yes, I'm male, don't worry. So then, I'll just be your awesome, slightly random, annoying cousin!
  4. wow. thats funny. i just pm'd you the same thing. join me. You ish a dude, tho, right? i dont wanna say bro and you turn out to be a she.
  5. Good to see we're friends Mallick! Did you wanna join my TFF Family, or could I at least join yours?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5