Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. Also, can't give you any vids this time. Computer's out and I forgot how to play Dissidia, lolz. And with that, see you in another three-sixty-five.
  2. Well, it's time. Waited 364 days and 14 hours to say happy birthday to you. Sorry if this counts as aggrevation, but I gotta do it.
  3. And I still can't solve the riddle of Kyle's locked/missing/non-existant site address. It is a mystery to us all...
  4. Lolz. Nomura calls the World Map in the Kingdom Hearts univese the "Ocean Between." I wonder if tri-Ace didn't take "Star Ocean"...

  5. Lolz.
  6. Elyon will be trying to name you Destiny.
  7. I am back, against your plans to eliminate me.

    Oh wait, those were someone else's plans. Whoops, my bad.

    I love not being dead. ^^
  8. Loool, what?
    And welcome back~
  9. Ha ha. I foiled your evil plans.
  10. But Ambushes are so situational. At least for now. Yellow ones will probably be easy once I get some better Specials. I also learned running from battle automatically breaks it. (I never ran before, and did the tutorial mention that?)

  11. No, you just messed up. x3 Green is impossible to miss if you get ambushed, and yellow should be, too, if the radius of your attack is wide enough to kill multiple enemies at once.

    It's just an HTML error that happens every once in a while. =S
  12. For once in my life, I actually went through the full tutorial in SO4. And I finally learned how all the panels get on the Bonus Board. The Green and Yellows ones were a mystery to me, before. Is it me, or do they just sometimes not appear, though? Even when you perfectly fulfill the requirement.

    Also, what happened to our Avatar messages? It's like "<" gets ruined. o_O
  13. Just keep on truckin'.

    Beat Tuba again, because the first time was SO much fun. >.<
    Got separated for the first time in the game!
    I used Jazz for a while. (I have a dog named Jazz, too. ^^)
    Claves is such a bitch/whore. And then she's not. How does she do that? Unicorn Horn is nice and all, but her overall battle ability needs some fine tuning. Falsetto can deal some good damage.
    Viola is still useless.
    Allegretto keeps getting all the good weapons.
    And hurray, graveyard puzzle. Got some leveling done here, and beat the ten minute-long boss battle.
    Oh, dammit, back to Polka, and they're all around Level 19... MORE WORK! xO
    Imma liking Frederic even more now. I want to know what's going to happen!
    Fighting pirates, and they're a cakewalk, although I suppose they should be as I'm using the mage team, mostly.
  14. More in.

    Wow, our villain is a pompous, conceited, little bitch? I can't wait to rip him a new one!
    Viola is SOOO useless... >.<
    OMG, Viola has Healing Arrow! o_O (And for some reason, it heals everyone and does better than either Polka or Frederic!)
    OMG!!!! Viola's Bone Crumble on anywhere between 16-32 Chain kicks ASS.
    I really hate Fort Fordana-whatever. I'm serious when I've been lost in there for over two hours. The enemies used to give me hell, but now they're a cake walk. I can topple them without taking any damage most of the time. I think I'm getting somewhere, though, because I stopped to think things through. But I have a BAD feeling that I'll still be here for awhile. *is resisting the urge to read a walkthrough...*
  15. Got a little ways in.

    Allegretto's level up pose TOTALLY isn't resemblant of Tidus'.
    I swear Beat reminds me too much of what Arc from FFIII would have been like.
    I do like Frederic. I enjoy his calm character and his suit looks awesome.
    Whoever that guy was with the glasses who kicked my ass earlier, if his actor is Johnny Young Bosch, and I can get him, he is SO one my final party members.
    Battle system is actually fun. Only problem is you can't see where you're aiming, which kind of sucks when Beat gets stuck behind a rock.
    And chaining attacks with Beat's quick hits is a very cheap tactic. Does the gauge go above 32? My enemies died before I could find out. Now that I've gotten further, at Agogo, I've pretty much mastered the battle system until it changes again. Guarding is a bit of a hassle, though.
    And are those actual paintings used in Frederic's memory scenes?
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