Conversation Between Ralz and Fang

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks! And it really was a wonderful birthday. I almost didn't want it to end! xD
  2. Happy Birthday Ralz! I hope you're having a good time.
  3. Three stories, that's great! And each senario has different scenes and battles. So, it really is like 3 times the game!

    Yeah, and school isn't even CLOSE to finished, yet. SO long away... >_>
  4. That would be cool

    I don't know, I'm pretty sure I read in some interview that you'd be able to choose Terra, Ven or Aqua and play through his/her story right to the end...

    July and August, huh? That would take A LOT of patience.
  5. It even beat Mario in sales, they say! We could be waiting for the best game EVER. o_O

    Sadly, only rumors surrounding between July and August. So far away!
  6. Games these days aren't selling that much but to sell over 500,000 copies in just 2 days is hell awesome!!

    Still, We do not yet have a USA release date. =(
  7. It looks like it, definitely. High in sales, sold out in Japan within 2 days!

    I really can't wait for it...
  8. I knew it!! Birth by Sleep continues to rank number one on Amazon!! This is really good news! Looks like this IS the best Kingdom Hearts game of all time, don't you agree?
  9. They're really doing a good job with the PSP.

    I read up on that guy, he's Master Eraqus. (Which is SQUARE in an anagram. ) I think he's based off him, what a tribute. o_O

    Oh well, game is still amazing.
  10. Yeah, The screenshots look really good on the PSP

    I wonder who is this? He looks like someone from Tekken O.O

    OH Hironobu Sakaguchi? xD

    Haha, "Complete this mission by jumping as few times as possible" This mission started getting repetitive xD 2 of them so far . Now, I can see how that could be irritating -_-
  11. Yeah, I was surprised at how good it was, too! I'm really looking forward to BBS. I think it might be the best EVER. o_O

    Haha, I'm still trying to figure out those Don't Jump ones. I can only figure relying on magic. Oh well, I guess they're there...
  12. Yep, definitely one of my favourite Kingdom Hearts games. Probably better than Kingdom Hearts 1 and COM. But Kingdom Hearts 2 takes the care and if I'm right so will Birth by Sleep

    I haven't had any annoying challenges as 358/2 Days​'s one...I just have to keep losing like 6 times in a row before I won xD
  13. Yeah, great ending. Makes me wanna play KH2!

    I've gone through a few, but only the ones I WANT to do. I don't even wanna bother with "jump as little as possible!" -_-
  14. I cried at the ending, for it was really sad.. not only that, but also for the realization it was the end of such great game

    That is really dumb xD let's see what else has in stored in the challenges for us.
  15. Oh, you'll love it. It's really sad.

    That's what I did as well. Some are do-able, but there's dumb ones like...
    "Don't Get Hit!" or...
    "Jump as little as possible!" (That one's really dumb...)
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