Conversation Between ekimeinna and Fate

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Ooh, honeymoon?
  2. o really? well i love playing games.. well some kind of good for you then, well yes i am.. it's fun! (of course not applicable to all people due to different situations)... it's been a year now and we're having a good time!
  3. Oh, I'm just trying to be on this forum. It's much more fun than anything else I've got at home. Well, when I'm not playing video games that is. Didn't you get married last year! How's life with the husband?
  4. doing good... so what you've been doing??
  5. Oh, hello there! I remember you. So how are you doing?
  6. wazzup???
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6