Conversation Between FF Ace Cid and Secret Weapon

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hows it hanging bro? Plan on getting that FFIV on DS? Most def for me.
  2. Yeah, things are alright, it got shaky for a bit, but back to good. How you doing man?
  3. Hey bro. Don't really get ta see ya face round here when I'm not online. How's things been going? Is everything ok family-wise? There's some crazy things you posted in your journal.
  4. Congrats on that dude. Really. Handle yo biz bro!
  5. Spring, probably.
  6. Aw nuttin. I went to the barber's to get my hair trimmed (prepartions of getting it twisted). Gotta go to work tomorrow so I can't stay up long. When you sending off to Idaho?
  7. Nothing much man chilling, you?
  8. What's going on bro?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8